Dr. Phanor Calle has over 25 years of experience performing Immigration Medical Exams.
Phanor Calle has over 25 years of experience performing Immigration Medical Exams. Immigration medical exams are a necessary part of immigrating to the United States. Dr. Phanor Calle is a doctor trained in medicine, licensed, and experienced. He practices in the U.S. and is certified by USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service). Most importantly, he received U.S. immigration training to provide examinations required by the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), Department of State, and USCIS.
Dr. Phanor Calle is a Civil Surgeon for the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service.
Same-day appointments are available for your immigration medical examinations at Dr. Calle’s office.
Please bring the following items with you:
- Government-issued photo ID: passport or U.S. Driver’s License
- Proof of vaccines, including Covid vaccine (if available)
- You may eat and drink before your examination.
- We accept all major Credit Cards.
Please note that the immigration medical exam includes a blood test for syphilis and Tuberculosis and urine tests for Gonorrhea. Moreover, proof of vaccinations for Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR), Tetanus, diphtheria, Pertussis ( Td or Tdap), and the Seasonal Influenza vaccine for adults and additional vaccines for children must meet the requirements to complete the medical exam.
You must pick up the results from the office, usually within 4 – 5 business days.
I-693, Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record: Complete form I-693
Where to File
After completing the medical history, immigration physical examination, and test results, the civil surgeon provides the applicant with the completed Form I-693 in a sealed envelope. USCIS immigration services will return the form to you if it is not in a sealed envelope, opened, or altered.
How do I determine which vaccines Immigration Medical Exams require to complete the I-693 form?
CDC publishes the vaccination requirements, including a detailed table listing all required vaccines at:
Do I have to receive all the vaccines on the CDC’s vaccination list for the immigrant population, or only the ones appropriate for age?
You must document the receipt of vaccines appropriate for your age. The civil surgeon will also indicate if you were not required to receive a particular vaccine.
Frequently asked questions about form I-693, Vaccines, and Tuberculosis.
COVID-19 Vaccine Required for Immigration Medical Exams.
On November 29, 2023, USCIS updated the COVID vaccine requirement. As of December 8, 2023, Civil Surgeons must fully implement the updated changes.
Here are the non-medical reasons why vaccines are not administered during Immigration Medical Exams:
- The applicant may request a waiver based on religious or moral convictions. In the event that an applicant objects to vaccination based on religious or moral beliefs, they will have to submit a waiver request to USCIS.
- If the applicant refuses a vaccine and their vaccine history is incomplete, they decline a single dose of any required vaccine that is medically appropriate. Consequently, the vaccine requirements remain incomplete.
Will USCIS accept an Immigration Medical Exams Form I-693 if the vaccination chart is incomplete?
No. The vaccination chart should have at least one entry in each row for each vaccine.
Immigration Medical Exams Tuberculosis Questions
Why do civil surgeons screen me for tuberculosis when I apply for an adjustment of status for US permanent residence?
Every immigrant applying for an Immigration Medical Exam, including an adjustment of status applicant, has to be screened for communicable diseases of public health, including Tuberculosis. Additionally, civil surgeons will request Chest X-rays if a TB screening test is positive.
Phanor Calle, MD, Is a medically trained, licensed, and experienced doctor practicing in the U.S. and certified by USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service). He received U.S. immigration training to provide examinations required by the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) and USCIS.
Schedule your appointment today with a panel physician for your physical exam and immigration medical exam. Find out the cost of the immigration medical exam and ensure you’re fully prepared for your immigration journey.